Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Networking and balance

Hey all,

Just musing on the life of an independent non-union worker.  Bouncing between clients and prospective clients while trying not to double book is a bit of a balancing act but when people are serious about paying their crew it works out best for me.  I get to pick my work schedule (kinda) and I don't have to work a creatively unfulfilling job.  Granted, this doesn't leave much in terms of financial security but with plans to get into the union for next year and with plenty of small work popping up, I feel good about this summer.

I have some travel plans I have to keep in mind.  I want to fly out to my parents in Saskatchewan at least once this summer and I have a roadtrip in August to the states to bring a new roommate into the house.  Besides that, I have a pretty open calendar to fill with various jobs, big or small and I'm putting them all down in my notepad so it stays organized!

Hope to see you on set!

Linley Redford


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